Sure, these little girls are absolutely adorable...smashing their tiny fists into decadent bakery items...but there's more to it than a sweet messy face and a sugar high. 12 months. Imagine the growth your little one has gone through in 525,600 minutes. 525,600 minutes of transformation from an incessantly sleeping infant to a playful, mobile mini-human with a unique personality. My curiosity often leads me to wonder, what kind of impact will these little ones have on the world? How will they make it a better place? In one short year, moms and dads, how do they make your world a better place?
Turning a year old is a once in a lifetime experience. It should be a big deal, right? Right! Set the tone for your babe to celebrate life each year! At the very least, these lighthearted images will be fantastic additions to the eventual slideshow that will be played at their wedding one day... Haha!
Ok, there's my pitch! I hope you take it... I love little babies with big eyes and chubby legs and would be honored to create adorable keepsakes for your family!

Whimsical Roots Photography lives for documenting special family moments in Wisconsin. The joy Andrea shares with her clients translates to beautiful imagery and an amazing client experience. If you're seeking a fun-loving, spirited family photographer, contact Whimsical Roots Photography today. You won't regret it! 262-229-0196